Getting Started[]

Players can gain access to the Member Zone by purchasing a Membership Bond (14 days) from the Loyalty Shop for 2,000 Loyalty Points. You can teleport to this zone by typing ::mz. Players with membership have the ability to bank by using the 'F6' Hotkey or ::bank.

Manic 17


Red Portal:[]

You can access Avatar of Destruction and Balance Elemental.

Ancient Cavern Portal:[]

You can access Mithril Dragons, these drop noted 30x dragon bones and 30x mithril bars.

Chaos Elemental:[]

The Chaos Elemental can be found in the South West corner of the Member Zone.


This is often considered a viable area to train skilling as there are many different skillable methods available.

Skilling includes the following:

Woodcutting: Trees, Oak, Willow, Maple, Yew, and Magic trees.

Fishing: Bait and Karambwam fishing spots.

Mining: Tin, Copper, Iron, Coal, Mithril, Adamant, and Rune ores.

Smithing: Furnace and Advil.

Cooking: Infinite fires.

Agility: Obstacle Pipe; ability to spam click. Agility Shop offers Crystal Bows and Red Crystal Bows as rewards for Agility Tickets.


Members have access to the same stores that they can find at home along with the Member's Benefits Store. This store gives players access to Overloads and Prayer Renewal Potions which non-members do not have access to.
