You gain 1k prestige points every 1 million XP gained.
Item | Points | Item | Points | |
Prestige Gamble Box | 200 | Fallen Prestige Pet | 10,500 | |
Super Maxhit Potion | 20 | Dragon Slayer Gloves | 50 | |
Gold Boots | 50 | Yin-Yang Amulet | 50 | |
Super Ring of Wealth | 50 | Gloves of Endurance | 250 | |
Inferno Boots | 250 | Amulet of Vengeance | 250 | |
Legendary Ring of Wealth | 250 | Dragoon Gloves | 1,750 | |
Dragoon Boots | 1,750 | Amulet of Might | 1,750 | |
Ring of Betrayal | 1,750 | Gloves of Silence | 7,500 | |
Boots of Silence | 7,500 | Eternal Amulet | 2,250 | |
Fighters Ring of Wealth | 2,250 | Sith Lord Set | 17,500 | |
Elder Maul | 17,500 | Ancient Wyvern Shield | 17,500 | |
Ring of Suffering (i) | 14,00 | Kodai Wand | 17,500 | |
Twisted Bow | 17,500 |